The Conference Company, CIMC Events was launched in 2015 as South Asia’s premier maritime and logistics events hosting company. The first ever Colombo International Maritime Conference was held in 2015, followed by annual conferences in the region. Colombo International Maritime Conference in 2016, regional conferences, namely, South Asia Maritime & Logistics Forum in Mumbai, India in 2017 and South Asia Maritime & Logistics Forum in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2018. In 2019, it also organized the first ever Colombo International Logistics Conference.
CIMC events have been supported and endorsed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Federal Maritime Commission in the USA, Global Shippers’ Forum and governments of the Indian subcontinent region. All events were launched by shipping ministers and prime ministers of respective countries and have had attendance of over 500 delegates from around the world.
Conferences cover a wide range of topics of the maritime and logistics industry. Renowned speakers from different continents attend the CIMC Events as the Indian Subcontinent is considered one of the fastest growing regions in the world giving new opportunities for the logistics and maritime industry.